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CogniFrame Published in the Quantum Hermit

CogniFrame Media Coverage

CogniFrame has been featured on the Quantum Hermit website.
Read more on the Quantum Hermit.

By Katie S.

CogniFrame is pleased to announce its membership of QIC

CogniFrame Joins Quantum Industry Canada

CogniFrame is pleased to announce its membership of Quantum Industry Canada (QIC). QIC is a consortium of Canadian quantum technology companies that is aimed at ensuring Canada's continued global leadership in the development of quantum technology and growing Canada's commercial quantum sector. It is an honour for us to join the consortium. We are excited to continue to help build Canada's quantum ecosystem.

By Katie S.

A true pleasure experiencing the Qubits Conference

D-Wave Qubits Conference Video Release

Fantastic wrap-up video showcasing potential near-term software applications utilizing D-Wave's hardware. A true pleasure experiencing the Qubits Conference.

By Katie S.

What's in the name?

DWave announces 5000Q Advantage processor

Congrats to DWave on the announcement of their next generation 5000Q Advantage processor. At CogniFrame we are delighted to closely collaborate with DWave to build and deploy quantum applications to solve intractable and computationally challenging problems for financial institutions. CogniFrame# DWave# Quantum# Qubits2019#

By Katie S.

Adaptive vs Static

The Business Case for Classical Machine Learning in Credit Decisioning

About two years ago, I had a meeting with the Chief Risk Officer of a large sub prime lender in Toronto. Business was booming, delinquencies were high but contained within a range and the CRO was disinterested in using Machine Learning for Credit Decisioning. He felt that his algorithms were time tested, adaptive in his mind didn’t mean much and he just saw this as incremental costs for his business. He had built a large army of thirty people just for underwriting and didn’t see why he needed to change the approach. We just agreed to disagree.

By Katie S.

Pre-approved vs Real Approved

Can we truly get to paperless credit decisioning?

You are pre-approved in 5 minutes says the advert by a lender. Now what does that mean. Nothing much it seems. All it really says is you meet some minimum criteria, but we cannot take you at your word, so we need to see documentary evidence and pull a credit score. Two days or more and a day or two to receive the money in your account. This does not sound like progress. Back to the future!

By Katie S.

A Holistic Approach

Is this Personal or Business?

A number of loans are provided by banks for small business purposes and hence involve both personal credit and business plan evaluations. Traditional lending is very silo based. You are either a personal borrower or a business borrower. Almost all SOHO borrowing is business borrowing using personal credit.

By Katie S.